Inscribed: The Craft of Letter Cutting
I am very excited to have work include in the exhibition 'INSCRIBED The Craft of Letter Cutting' at the Goldsmiths' Centre in London. This exhibition is arranged in association with The Lettering Arts Trust and The Hand Engravers Association, of which I have been a member for many years. One of the main reasons that I wanted to learn hand engraving was so that I would be able to put inscriptions on my work (I had been using etching, but couldn't quite get the quality of results that I wanted). My obsession with cryptic numbers and letters on my pieces is explained here in a blog post from some years ago . My love of calligraphy has certainly been useful for my engraving practise, but I have mostly used non-formal lettering as I feel more comfortable working in my own style. I still consider myself a rather part-time engraver, so I think it's perhaps for this reason that I am most pleased to have work in an exhibition alongside pieces from museum collections. ...